It’s compulsory for Singaporean males to serve the army and swimming is one of the skills which are required. So, before signing up your kid for swim courses, you need to understand the following points.
It Begins with Bath Time
Many parents protect their kid’s face during bath time from water. But a large part of swimming lessons is getting a kid comfortable with water. Pouring of water that is clean, not soapy over your kid’s face in the bath is a good way to familiarize them with the world of swimming. They’re going to get used to water getting into face and their ears, which may help during swim lessons.
Learn to Float
Learning may be challenging for both the parent and the kid, but the skill to lie on their back and float is implemental for young swimmers. It may be frightening, but placing your infant on her or his back at bath time can be helpful. This form will help the baby get used to water being on their face. Many kids do not get used to being in this position and have trouble trusting the water. Practicing this trust the water and will help your child remain calm.
Start Them Young
Kids can start taking swim lessons as young as three months old because it helps them bypass the panic period many kids encounter with water beginning kids. Also, between the ages of 2 to 4, many kids, if they haven’t taken swim lessons often, encounter anxiety of the water. Starting lessons at a young age will help your kid bypass this phase because they are going to comprehend associate and water security being as an enjoyable encounter in the water. Kids most likely won’t unable to take solo lessons until they’re five years old. Courses for children younger than this require parents to join in, which gives your child the chance to be with someone they trust in the water.

Both temperature of the atmosphere and pool exterior are not unimportant for swim lessons. Children cannot learn when the water is not too hot, and they shiver. Keeping the pools on the warmer side is perfect for young swimmers, although generally speaking, a pool is ideal to have the temperature between 84 and 88 degrees.
In Singapore context, we have the ideal situation where the outdoor temperature is between these range, unless it is a rainy day.
Prevent Floats
While they might appear like an excellent thought, floats—or as many calls them, floaties — give a false sense of assurance in the water. Despite not having the ability to swim because of floats many kids get used. Plus, they make your kid swim vertical, which can be a posture that is drowning. Instead, kids must learn to swim parallel to the water. It is safer and considerably better that you swim in the water with your kid, keeping them at arm’s length. In this manner, they get used to swimming right.
Not All Swim Courses Are Equally
Doing research for what swim course works finest for you and your kid is vital. While it’s important for your kid to have pleasure, making sure that the course has security contained in the lesson plan is not unimportant. Look swimming schools that teach swimming without goggles.